Over 15000 measurements in our database!
QUANTIDOC has built a database of barrier measurements from wild fish. The database consists of approximately 15,000 measurements and allows QuantiDoc to compare the health status of farmed fish with healthy wild fish. The measurements include data from salmon, trout, cod, seabass, seabream, tilapia, yellowtail, and shrimp. Samples have been taken for approximately 30 customers in Norway, Spain, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Belgium, and Vietnam.
Comparing barrier health of farmed fish with that of healthy wild fish
This database is important because it allows QUANTIDOCc to compare the health of farmed fish with that of healthy wild fish, providing a baseline for assessing the health status of farmed fish. By analyzing the measurements of the mucus barrier, which is critical for maintaining fish health and preventing diseases, QuantiDoc can identify early signs of mucus barrier dysfunction and take proactive measures to prevent the spread of diseases and mortality in fish farms.
An important tool for developing and testing Veribarr™ solutions for different fish species
The database is also an important tool for developing and testing VERIBARR™ solutions for different fish species and environmental conditions. By drawing on a wide range of samples from different regions and customers, QUANTIDOC can develop targeted and effective solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of each customer and fish species.
The database provides a valuable and highly important resource for improving the health and sustainability of fish farming
Overall, the database provides a valuable and highly important resource for improving the health and sustainability of fish farming practices worldwide, and for developing evidence-based solutions that can help prevent diseases, reduce mortality rates, and enhance productivity in fish farms.